Friday, September 12, 2008

On the road again

Some days I am just so Africa'ed out! I am all for job creation and everything, because that would ultimately mean that the likelihood of being mugged will decline drastically, right?

But exactly how many people does it take to hold up a bright flag to indicate road works ahead? For at least the last three years now there has been road works on the N2 incoming into Cape Town CBD. Lucky me, this is my daily route. And every morning the three leading flaggerators have invariably cautioned me regarding road works ahead. Consistently this has ended up simply indicating: "Watch out, you're likely to see a single construction worker's crack up ahead ... yes, only one, because the rest of the 20-man strong construction team is just standing around him giving advice on how to do whatever he is doing today. So be sure to slow down so as not to miss it."

I realise that we have not yet fully embraced the electronic age here, but surely you could have a flashing light or, hold onto your seat, a digital message board or something which would probably attract more attention.

On the upside, it does make for full equal opportunity capabilities in the construction industry, since many flag bearers are women. So, a little “Ole” for that!

Maybe I'm just bitching because I am sick and tired of the bloody road works which is taking forever!

But mostly I can't help thinking that it is easy to fling obscenities at complete strangers who are merely trying to feed their family by doing an honest day's work and doing so from the comfort of my own car! But sometimes I do!

So go on ... I dare you ... call me NICE again!


nell said...

I think you're nice.
Maybe a little crabby sometimes, but nice.

Average Jo said...

Crabby ... now see, THAT is more descriptive of me. Finally somebody gets me! And just be glad you will never know/see the extent to which I could draw on the word.