Monday, September 8, 2008

Now is the winter of our discontent

... and I sure as hell wish somebody would make it glorious summer again. Jeez, even a sort-of-a kind-of-a summer will do for now!

I never thought I'd be one to ever say this since I have always preferred winter. But there you go: people apparently do change! I put it down to my need to dive.

Since taking up the extreme (soooo not descriptive of me!) sport of scuba diving and after a scary, not to mention embarrassing, stint of "I can't do this and why the hell am I even trying", I find myself totally addicted.

After really rather hating the pool sessions, I really loved the first shore dives we did. Mind you, the dives were regarded as below average by the instructors of my club, FBUC, but my ignorance of any better begs me to differ. And now this bad weather is just preventing me from doing my qualifying dives and I'm miffed!

Guess that's why Patience is a virgin ...

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