Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just breathe

So yesterday I went down Simon's Town way to do what I thought would be my qualifying dive for the 1* CMAS Scuba diving course.

First dive, shore entry, and I have to do my favourite: mask removal. Happiness! NOT! So what do I do? I snap my mask attempting to replace it. I maintain my brittle composure and figure that, if anybody can handle this then McGuyver (aka Tony, my dive buddy), surely he could get it back together ... just stay calm Jo ... just breathe!

But no, the mask is really totally bust ... I clearly do things well. Not even my own mask, mind you! So that means the dive is over for Mc and me! Jeez, why should he pay for my dumb-ass antics! Lucky for me there are assistants to the instructors who realise that shit happens ... all the time! The Spanish bubble blower has an extra mask in her pocket ... I so owe her ... and the dive shall go on. Happy days.

Then comes the qualifying dive and this is a boat dive, promising to get us as deep as 17 meters or so, no pressure! OMG. Fear really does not become me. There is a quiet that takes over when you have a boat-full of newbies who have no idea what to expect from this dive. All too sudden comes the countdown and there you are … ready to descend into open waters. What a rush.

We descend and finally get to the wreck we were to explore. But no, first comes more torture. Mask removal again (surprisingly, rather “blah” due to the morning’s antics!) and then some buddy breathing. No problem. But it seemed that those two breaths that dive buddy 2 for the day needs to take from MY regulator proves too much … so, guess who cracks under the pressure? Nooooooo! No bloody buddy breathing is going to keep me from this stupid 1*! I need that *! Just breathe Jo, just breathe!

So we start again and no problem, so why all the fuss? Just another moment, I guess. Other than that there was a little misunderstanding on the ascent. My instructor, at the decompression stop motions to go up. The misunderstanding is that he apparently meant about 1 meter up (what with all the people around) and I thought he meant all the way up (I just don’t see the difference in the sign language yet). Ugh, when will I learn? Anyway, it seems I was forgiven … eventually!

So have I qualified or not, you may be asking? I don’t know … it’s bumming me out. I don’t mind doing another boat dive to prove that I want it.

Hell, I’d do it just for the rush anyway, so bring it on!

Apparently I’ve learnt how to breathe!


Tara said...

you'll be right mate! soon breathing underwater it will feel like nothing at all.
its so much better when you get your own gear though!
stick with it scubachick :)

Average Jo said...

Have every intention to do so ... just to annoy the instructors! Haha!

nell said...

Hey, I know I wasn't there but fuck it, I say you passed.
And you know, what I say goes...

Average Jo said...

Xena! Ooooooooooh, say it again! Xena!