Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cheating at solitaire

I've never understood why people would bother to play solitaire if they were going to make up their own rules. I mean, rather play a game of "I-really-am-too-dumb-to-get-it-right-so-I-am-going-to-make-it-easy-enough-for-a-2-year-old-on-a-sugar-rush" if you are too afraid of failing.

Honestly, what's the worst that could happen? The game will play out before the cards do. Big bloody deal. I am of the opinion that the one win after several failed attempts is worth infinitely more than winning at the mock version every time.

So why is it that we cannot even be honest with ourselves? Everybody wants to be that guy/gal (let's be politically correct here) who loves a challenge, but how many of us really are? Will the real Chuck Norris please stand up!

I am not excluded from this fate worse than playing the triangle in the school band and would never profess to be. Braver on paper than in reality, I am. And even then I am not being totally honest to you or myself. So many things I would love to be or do (Or is it people I want to be or do? Sorry, couldn't resist). But when the cards are on the table I find myself folding, again and again.

And why the hell do we torture ourselves like this, I have to wonder. Why do we care so much what other people think? Most importantly ... who the fuck's even looking anyhow?

That's the secret, you see. We're all here on this planet with the same intention really, so sorry if you were intent on being unique. Who doesn't want to, at the end of the journey, scream out: "Yeeeeeehah!"? So why are we so afraid to do whatever it is we really want to do and possibly even have the time of our lives?

Still reading? What? You think I have the answers? I'm just another freak talking to an electronic page here!

All I know is that, if some other punk is out there living my dream, so can I!


nell said...

I never cheat at anything. Ever. Unless you sit with your cards facing me and I do it by accident. But other than that, NEVER. Ever. Except if you win 24 times in a row, and get very smug about it, and I just need to teach you a lesson. But only for those two things. And maybe if I just don't like you I will cheat to show you I am better than you.

Average Jo said...

Remind me not to play cards with you ... methinks I may be too naive and innocent for the likes of you.

That said, I'm an extremely fast learner!